Dictionary.com defines Hobby as
hob·by1 [hob-ee] Show IPA
noun, plural hob·bies.
an activity or interest pursued for pleasure or relaxation and not as a main occupation: Her hobbies include stamp-collecting and woodcarving.
a child's hobbyhorse.
Archaic. a small horse.
ride a hobby, to concern oneself excessively with a favorite notion or activity. Also, ride a hobbyhorse.
Please note
an activity or interest pursued for pleasure or relaxation and not as a main occupation
We feel strongly that this adventure should be FUN and as such so should the discussion of this stamp collecting endeavor.
Of course we talk about value at times and of course we want to chase that "golden ticket" but more importantly we want to share this adventure with like minded people.
We want to inspire future generations, we want to hear a story and tell one to others.
Come share that with us.. Stamp Bears is the FORUM of stamp collectors From stamp collectors to stamp collectors.
Beautifully put! I get as much pleasure from a 5c postmark find as I do from a $500 stamp.